Tag Archives: Chlorella powder

“Green Goblin” morning juice!

DSC06750This is a great way to start your morning! It has a bit more ingredients that my usual juices (I prefer them to have no more than 3) but it’s so good it’s worth the little extra effort.

This has been one of those weeks in which I needed an extra boost. Lots of (happy) work to finish my second book, meet deadlines etc. I find trying to meet deadlines quite dreadful. So I decided to try  the Chlorella powder I bought a while ago and never really used (despite having read tons about how good it is). I tried to create juices that covered the slightly “pondish” flavour of this algae, and I succeeded! I have been drinking Chlorella based juices the whole week  🙂

Without further ado, I give you….The Green Goblin!!!


1 teaspoon Chlorella powder (or Spirulina or avoid if you don’t have either of them)

1 green apple

1 stalk of celery

1 bunch of spinach

1 quarter cucumber

Half a lime

100ml water


How to:

1.- In your juicer jar dissolve the chlorella powder in the 100ml water.

2.- Juice the remaining ingredients.

3.- Pour on a glass with ice and Enjoy!!

DSC06761 What’s good about it?

Lime is rich in potassium and vitamin C, it’s a potent antiseptic and natural antibiotic, as the Vitamin C boost the immune system.

Apple is rich in potassium, Vitamin C, beta-carotene and pectin. It’s a  natural tonic which cleanses, lowers cholesterol and removes toxins from the body.

Chlorella is a type of algae that grows in fresh water. It is a good source of fats, carbohydrates, fibre, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals. It contains all the amino acids, providing easy-to-digest protein. It also contains vital minerals such as magnesium and iron. The high level of chlorophyll in Chlorella helps optimize oxygen into blood intake.
One of the main uses of this algae is to detoxify, or cleanse, the body. It has been found to chelate, or remove, heavy metals from the body according to a Russian study performed in a group of workers from a foundry.

Cucumbers are almost 90% water; this high water content plus the dietary fibre in cucumbers, makes them very effective in ridding the body of toxins from the digestive system, aiding digestion.

Spinach is rich in iron, a mineral that plays a central role in the function of red blood cells, which help in transporting oxygen around the body, in energy production and DNA synthesis. It is also an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and Folic acid as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2. Vitamin K is important for maintaining bone health and it is difficult to find vegetables richer in vitamin K than spinach.



“The Hulk”: A mighty green juice!


Good Morning!!! How’s the weather there? It is cloudy and warm here in London.

I was very tempted to call this juice “The Hulk”  because it is so incredibly green! It’s the Chlorella powder in the recipe that gives this drink its very dark, intense colour.

Update: I decided to go for it after someone suggested that “chlorella” sounded a bit like “Cholera” ;-), so my “Chlorella juice” is now officially “The Hulk.”


DSC06743Chlorella powder, made by grinding the algae of the same name,  is a source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll. Once dried, the cell wall is broken to facilitate assimilation of its rich array of nutrients.

It is an attractive food source because it is high in protein and other essential nutrients; when dried, it is about 45% protein, 20% fat, 20% carbohydrate, 5% fibre, and 10% minerals and vitamins.

Chlorella powder mixes easily with fruit juices and smoothies. On its own, it has a mild taste of seaweed (when I smell it, it makes me think of a pond, which makes sense, since they are cultivated in ponds).

The “pond” flavour disappears when mixed in a juice, so don’t worry. You definitely won’t taste it in this juice.


1 Orange (since taking the photos I’ve made it with green apples too, and it works as well, or even better).

A big bunch of kale.

1 quarter of a big cucumber

1 teaspoon Chlorella powder (or Spirulina, if that’s what you have at hand).

100 ml water

How to:

1.- Dissolve the Chlorella powder in 100 ml water in the juicer jug.

2.- Juice the kale, orange and cucumber so that the juice falls on top of the Chlorella water.

3. Pour into a glass with some ice and Enjoy!!!

Tastes sweet and green. I cannot claim that this drink, like some others, camouflages in any way the flavour of the vegetables, because it doesn’t. You can’t taste any of them distinctly, but the overall flavour is “green”. So if you are new to green juices, you might want to start with something less vegetable, like this Mango-Spinach juice, where you can’t taste the spinach at all.

DSC06741Have a great Monday Morning!!!

If you love green juices, why not try my favourite: Lime and pear, or a Green Mango Juice?

