Blue Solar Water: Why, When and How to.


Blue solar water is a powerful tool of Ho’oponopono. The Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono is based in taking 100% responsibility for everything around us. We are responsible for everything we see and experience; we have created 100% of it through our thoughts and memories.

To heal our reality, Ho’oponopono says, me must erase the memories that gave life to the thoughts that, in turn, created our world. Sometimes they are memories from our childhood, sometimes we inherited them from a previous generation, in both cases they can be removed so that we can create new thoughts. How do we do this? There are different ways, one of them is by drinking this water.

Every time we repeat a Ho’oponopono phrase, every time we drink blue solar water, we are asking the Divinity within us to remove the memories that made us think the way we did in order to create that which we do not like in our reality.

Why you should drink this water:

1.- Because it will help you, in a gentle way, to change the mental patterns that created situations in your life you do not want any more.

2.- Because water is important for the body, since we are 60% water. We need it for the normal functioning of organs and cells and to eliminate toxins. However most of the time we are too busy to drink enough water. Because we are not taught how to be attuned with our body, most of us go through the day without a clue as to what our organism needs.

By drinking solar water you’ll hydrate your body but also because it’s a “special” water, you are more likely to remember to drink it. Moreover, you’ll see the bottle empty or full and that will help you keep an eye on your water intake.

3.- Using a coloured bottle is a way to apply colour to the body. “Solar elixirs” have been known and used for centuries in Colour Therapy. They are, basically, water that has been placed under the sun in a coloured container so that the liquid will absorb the Sun’s energy and the energy of the colour of the container.


The colour Blue stands for relaxation, communication, regeneration and sleep. It is used to treat a variety of conditions such as high-blood pressure,  stress, sleep problems and headaches.

It aids meditation and spiritual growth, because of its calming effect on the whole organism.

Therefore, drinking blue water will introduce the calming effect of the colour blue into your body, relaxing your mind and gently removing your worries away.

4.- Blue is the colour of the Throat Chakra, the chakra related to communication, expression of one’s self and creativity. By drinking Blue Water we are balancing and empowering this chakra, which when weakened can lead to an inability to express one’s needs and opinions, to a feeling of being “choked”. On a physical level, a weakened 6th chakra can manifest on sore-throats, nervous coughing, laryngitis and hoarseness.

5.- Even if you are not sure you believe in the healing properties of this water, it is just water, it will do you no harm, on the contrary, drinking enough water on a daily basis will improve your skin, your digestion and your general well-being as your body won’t be making-do with whatever minimum amount of liquid you decided to give it that day. So, there is nothing to lose and much to win.

DSC05602When  should you drink this water?

Any time, all the time! You can add it to the water you use for pasta, coffee or tea. Mabel Katz, who studied Ho’oponopono with Dr. Len, says on her site that one drop of solar water can turn a whole pot of water into solar water too, so you don’t need to use much.

You can also spray it on your plants which will grow much healthier, on your rooms, to cleanse them, you can even use it to wash your hair; so, there you go, no excuses! It can be used for everything!

Personally, I just prepare it and drink it. There is something in me that says: if you boil it, you’ll kill everything in it, but what do I know?  I just like the way it tastes, so I drink it pure.

I also have an aroma diffuser which uses water to spread the scent, and I sometimes fill it with blue water so that it spreads throughout the house.


Be creative and have fun with it! That’s all it is about 🙂

How to:

All you need is a blue bottle and a plastic cap (or cork). The bottle can be light blue or dark blue. It just needs to be blue. You don’t even need to buy an expensive one, mine is the bottle of a well-known brand of sparkling water, you can buy it at Tesco’s for £1.39. For a cap, I use a plastic cap from my regular mineral water. Having said that, if you prefer to go for an ornate, Bohemia crystal bottle, that’s fine too 🙂

You fill it with tap water (can be mineral water if you prefer), close with a cork or a plastic cap or even some film and leave it in the sun for an hour.

Then you keep it in the fridge in any container you want and use it daily, whichever way you prefer.

Don’t use a metal cap to close your bottle.

Note: I’ve tried to find out why you should not use a metal cap but without success. The closest answer was that the metal “might” react with the sun and change something in the water. However the reason, Dr. Hew Len and Mabel Katz both are very specific about using a plastic cap or even just a bit of cling film and an elastic band, just not a metal cap. 


Amazing Experiments with Water Crystals:

Have you ever heard about Dr. Masaru Emoto? He experimented with water in a very interesting way:  he took photos of water crystals exposed to music, sounds and different words. His work shows that water crystals react to different words and songs: they actually change shape! Here is a water crystal exposed to Bach’s Air on a G String:


This is a water crystal exposed to Imagine by John Lennon:


Want to see what a water crystal exposed to a Martin Luther King speech looks like? You can find that, and better and bigger photos on Dr. Emoto’s website. His work will get  you thinking that maybe there is something in Blue Solar Water after all…


42 thoughts on “Blue Solar Water: Why, When and How to.

  1. If sunlight unavailable then we need to keep the bottle very near to bulb or in room where bulb is ON.

    1. Hi Ram! If you do not have enough sunlight (you just need 1 hour to charge your water) you can put it under a strong light bulb. I read that on Mabel Katz’s blog, she has studied with Hew Len and there are many videos of her and Hew Len in YouTube, in case you are interested 🙂 Ps.Sorry it took so long to answer your comment! 2016 was a crazy, crazy year for me! Full of exciting (and sometimes scary) changes that kept me away from my blog for longer than I wanted to. Enjoy making blue solar water! 🙂

  2. I read in many sites that the the blue solar bottle has to be a cobalt bottle.
    How do I know if this is true or not? & Was that mentioned in “zero limits” for Hew Len?

    1. I don’t recall reading anything about the bottle needing to be specifically cobalt blue. Just any blue glass bottle will do. In my case, I just bought a bottle of mineral water brand Ty Nant which comes in a blue bottle, so it was quite an inexpensive way of getting my hands on a bottle. Blue solar water is meant to be simple and fun. Good luck!! 🙂

  3. I read in many sites that the blue solar bottle has to be a cobalt bottle.
    How would I know if this is true or not? & Was that mentioned in “zero limits” for Hew Len?

    1. Hi Noura! I’m sorry it took so long for me to reply. I’m getting married in March and I’m up to my eyebrows in things to do, so I haven’t been checking on my blog as much as usual. After March, I’ll be more on the ball 🙂
      To answer your question: I have never read about the blue solar bottle having to be cobalt. In “Zero Limits” Hew Len just says the bottle has to be blue glass, and also not to use a metal cap to close it (I think I forgot to put that on the post ), he doesn’t say it has to be cobalt.
      Hope this helps 🙂 Enjoy making solar water! Paula

  4. Why do you not want to use a metal cap to the bottle! I’ve never heard this, and have used the original metal caps that come with the bottles for several years now. Just curious where you heard this and why? Thanks!

    1. Hi Janet! Sorry it took so long to reply! I read about blue solar water from the website of Mabel Katz. She said not to use a metal cap, but she didn’t say why, I did some research and found that many other sites said to avoid a metal cap, but again, I don’t remember reading why. Since I learnt about ho’oponopono from her site, I followed her instructions 🙂 Still, I would like to know why though, so if you find out, please let me know 🙂 I’ll do some research myself and if I find out why (or that it actually makes no difference) I’ll update the post 🙂 Thanks for the comment!!

  5. I just recently came along Ho’oponopono and the Blue Solar Water and I love it.

    I have a blue glassed former wine carafe and I made water already 2x using a bit blue solar water into my cup and, again, feel it with normal tap water.

    The texture of my cup of water changes immediately, just fantastic.
    I am too, don’t like put the blue solar water to be cooked or boiled.
    However, what I do is I put a bit of blue solar water into my finished cooked coffee or tea, soup etc.

    Thanks for this wonderful article, is bookmarked. 🙂

    1. Hi Sylvia!
      Thanks a lot for your comment 🙂 I have never thought of adding the blue solar water on my tea, after it’s been made. That’s a great idea! My blue bottle is rather small, so I find that if I use the water to cook, or to make tea, it lasts very little, but adding a dash of it to the final product might be a good way to make it last longer and still have the benefits of the water 🙂
      I also (when possible) water my plants with the solar water and they seem to love it. I have very healthy orchids at the moment 🙂
      Have a wonderful day!

  6. Hi! Thanks for your article! I was wondering if you need a cap at all? Will it work if you leave it out in the sun in the blue bottle without a lid? The bottles I have don’t have lids (used to have metal corkers I’ve removed).

    1. Hi Honmei!, Sorry for the late reply, life has been a bit crazy here.
      As regards your question, you don’t really need a cap for the bottle. The cap is just there in case the bottle is placed outside and you want to protect the water from bugs or things flying around 🙂 But the cap is not a requirement 🙂
      This has been a lovely Summer in London, with lots of sun to make Blue Solar Water every day, so I have been using bottles with and without caps, just any blue bottle I had lying around.
      Hope this helped! Have a great day!

    2. Hi Honmei! The bottle I use came with a metal cap too so I use cling film to cover the top of the bottle, or even a bit of fabric fastened in place with an elastic band. This also prevent things from getting into the bottle ( like bits of pollen, insects or whatever happens to be flying around). I guess, other than for that reason, it should be fine not to use a cap at all. Hope this helps! Have a nice day and so sorry for the late reply! I’m struggling a lot to keep up with the blog this days. 🙂

  7. Thanks for your very informative article! I also like blue solar water, and I already use it for several years, and thanks to your article I learned some more things about it. It’s funny, I also have always wondered about the metal cap issue, we’ll never know I guess. 😉

    1. 🙂 I guess we’ll never know! I just use a plastic cap these days.
      So sorry for my extremely late reply, I wasn’t checking my blog a lot laste year (2020), it was such a weird year and my whole routine went out the window 🙂 Thanks for leaving a comment! Keep enjoying Blue Solar Water!

  8. Dear Paula,

    Thank you so much for your useful and informative article. I have just known about Blue Solar Water recently when I got my fingers touched the book of Fr. Joe Vitale. I am just wondering, after being solarized, how long the water will stay as solar water. Because, as I know, after solarizing the water, we can put the blue solar water into different containers/bottles (plastic, glass, even in a metal jug, bottle). So, I am thinking of after solarizing the water, I will pour them in other normal bottles that I currently have at home. Do you think it still remain the clean effect? Thank you so much for your time and your thoughts!

    1. Hi Hilton!
      Thank you for your kinds words.
      It is perfectly all right to make your blue solar water and then store it in different containers (like clear glass bottles or jugs) that you may have at home.
      The water will still be blue solar water and it will retain all the properties of it 🙂
      Hope this helps! Have a lovely day!

  9. it means if we drink water in yellow or red or orange … it will balancing the other chakras ? and onother question isnt it harmful for under 18 ?

    1. Hi Raha,
      You can definitely use different colour bottles, to make water that you can use to work with the other chakras. Usually this would be used to strengthen a weak chakra, for example, if your Sacral Chakra is weakened, you could place the water in an orange coloured bottle and leave it in the sun, like you do for making Blue solar Water, and then drink that water.
      Another good and easy way to strengthen a chakra is to eat vegetables and fruits of that colour, like orange peppers, tangerines, oranges, carrots etc, or even sit down and paint or draw with different shades of the colour.
      As regards age restrictions, I never read or heard that there was any problem with giving Blue Solar Water to people under 18, and since it is a very subtle and gentle way of healing, I don’t think there should be any problem.
      Hope this helps!! 🙂

    1. Hi Priya!
      Sorry it took me so long to answer this. I know it can be hard to find blue bottles. It took me a while to find my first one, and then suddenly I started seeing blue bottle everywere.
      I follow the Ho’oponopono teachings of Mabel Katz and Dr. Hew Len, and they always talk about glass bottles, I haven’t come across any text or video from them saying “don’t use a plastic bottle”, but equally they always say glass bottle, so I would say, stick with glass.
      However, you don’t need a litre bottle or a brand new bottle to make blue solar water, even a recycled ml bottle (I have a small bottle that used to contain almond oil) can be used to make blue solar water, since, by adding just a few drops of blue solar water to a glass of water, you can solarize the whole glass.
      Hope this helps! This is a short video with dr Hew Len about blue solar water:

  10. What if it’s a rainy day and there’s no sunlight? I read the book zero limits and it said that in the absence of sunlight, we can put the bottle under and incandescent bulb but incandescent bulbs have long been phased-out. What could we do in this case?

    1. Hi Jan Kathleen! I know this is a very belated answer, I am sorry, I’ve been co-writing a book, and it has taken a lot longer (also a lot more energy) than I thought it would, I have sadly neglected my blog a bit (or a lot).
      Still, I like to answer all messages, so here goes: I have also read Zero Limits, and I found the same problem you did with the bulbs, and I am living in Ireland at the moment, where there is rather more rain than sun…
      I have done a lot of research and I haven’t found a solution other than the following: since you can turn regular water into blue-solar water by adding a bit of blue-solar water, I just keep some of the solar water I make on a sunny day to add to regular water if I get a couple of cloudy days in a row and run out of solar water. It is not the ideal solution, but in all I have read the basic answer is: you need sun to make solar water.
      This is the solution I have come up for myself. Hope it helps!!!
      If you have found a better solution to this problem (you are not the first person to ask me this), please send a message to the blog, so more people (myself included) can benefit from it 🙂 Thanks!!!

  11. Hi Paula,

    On the topic of why not a metal cap. In the study of Vastu Shastra, vedics recommend not to use metal roofs. The reasoning beind that is the metal shields the Sun, star and sky energies from penetrating your house. 

    Warmly, Margarite

    1. Hi Margarite,
      Thank you for this information, I was not aware of it. Then, maybe not using metal caps helps the Sun energies get into the water better, not just through the glass, but through the top of the bottle too. Interesting 🙂 Thank you for commenting on this article and for shedding some light on the topic. Have a great day! 🙂

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